Dorian Gray: up close and personal

On Tuesday 6 March, 5EL attended an unconventional show at the Politeama theater. The performance was about “The picture of Dorian Gray”, and it was called ‘Capolavori dietro le quinte. Dorian Gray’ acted by highly skilled actors. To begin with, the class was taken to a room where they were provided with headphones by the theater staff. Unlike traditional shows, the actors did not speak and the story was told through an audio played inside the headphones. As the show progressed, the students were taken to different rooms, each of which was decorated in accordance with the events in the story. This immersive style of this kind of representation was intended to involve the audience more intimately in the story, as if the students were part of it themselves. At the end of the performance, the class had the opportunity to meet with the director and the staff and ask them questions.

written by Giulio Vannacci, 5el